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Core objects

Each object shares the following properties:

typeThe object type
idA unique object identifier prefixed with the lower case object type
createdAtThe object creation timestamp in ISO 8601 UTC date time format
lastModifiedAtThe latest object edition timestamp in ISO 8601 UTC date time format
statusThe object technical status


The core object of our API is the Policy object, which embodies the insurance policy and holds references to all of the policy's objects.

Policy attributes

branchTypeThe type of branch you are on
customerId of the customer
assetsIds of all the assets belonging to the policy
invoicesIds of all the invoices belonging to the policy
invoicingConfigInvoicing options (Frequency, Early Payment, Reconciliation method, Timing & Spread)

Policy statuses

StatusTransitionAvailable actions
CREATEDinitializePolicyquotePolicy, editPolicy, createAsset
STARTEDAutomatic at the earliest of asset startedAt

Policy statuses follow this diagram:


The Customer object holds all information concerning the policy's client.

Customer attributes

nameA human-readable name for the customer, doesn't need to be unique
postcodeCustomer postcode

Customer statuses

StatusTransitionAvailable actions

Customer statuses follow this diagram:


The Asset object holds all information pertaining to the insured objects. An Asset exists within a policy.

Asset attributes

policyIdThe id of the policy the asset is attached to
startedAtThe asset start date, ie the date at which the asset will be covered insurance-wise
stoppedAtThe asset stop date, ie the date at which the asset will no longer be covered
nameA human-readable name for the asset, doesn't need to be unique
valueThe asset retail price in euros (€)

Asset statuses

StatusTransitionAvailable actions
CREATEDcreateAsseteditAsset, removeAsset, replaceAsset,
STARTEDAutomatic at startedAt
STOPPEDAutomatic at stoppedAt

Asset statuses follow this diagram:


It is common for insurance policies to have Mid Term Adjustments (MTA), which are adjustments made to a confirmed policy. For example, one might want to add, modify, or stop multiple assets multiple months after a policy's cover has begun.

The Korint API uses the branch object to handle this use case. Our objects are no longer editable after they becomes quoted, as any modification of these objects could lead to many side effects, including but not limited to:

  • Pricing changes, and thus having to recalculate the payment schedules
  • Documents having to be regenerated, such as invoices or conditions on a policy
  • Checking policy state and making sure all rules are respected, such as a rule stipulating a maximum of 50 assets on a policy.

In the Korint API, a branch enables you to create different versions of your policy, apply modifications to each version, and select one to merge and apply its changes. Some caveats:

  • Branch rebasing is not supported.
  • Branches can only be created from the 'main' version of the policy, and not from a pending branch.

A typical workflow might look like this:

After policy creation, all commands must be performed on a branch by passing a branchId parameter in the request.


There is no limit to the number of pending branches you can have in parallel. However, once you confirm a branch, it will be merged and all other existing pending branches will be dropped !

Read models can target a specific branch in the same way. If no branchId is given when retrieving a resource, the main version will be returned by default.

Refer to Step-by-Step Guide for an example.